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Archive for June, 2006

I feel pretty good about yesterday.

June 15th, 2006 at 04:57 pm

I went absolutely no where yesterday. I didn't have to work, and while I had errands to run, I decided they could wait until I went to work on Thursday. Thus, I spent no money and saved some gasoline, too.

Go me. Big Grin

For those who are interested. . .

June 14th, 2006 at 05:56 pm

At YouTube right now, there are several SCA videos up, including a TV spot that CBS Sunday Morning did four or five years back.

Here's the direct link to that video for those who wish to take a peek:

Enjoy. Wink

Pennsic War 35

June 14th, 2006 at 05:05 pm

For those of you are not familiar with me, my family and I (which consists of myself and my boyfriend John), are members of the Society for Creative Anachronism. We're a group of geeks who get together at different events to re-enact day-to-day Medieval life. :P

There are smaller events on the weekends, and the occassional Renaissance Festival, of course, but the big deal in the SCA are the wars. They can last for a weekend or they can be as long as 22 days. The big one here on the east coast is Pennsic. It is held in Pennsylvannia every year in August. The kingdoms of the East and the Midrealm fight over the Disputed Lands (which consists of Pittsburg). The loser gets Pittsburg. *evil grin*

Anyway, John and I did not go last year because we were trying to be responsible and not spend money we really couldn't afford to lose. We are better off for it. It turned out to be a real downer of a year for Pennsic War, and many of our friends ran up their credit card debt just to attend. I'm glad we decided not to do the same.

This year, however, is an anniversary year for Pennsic War. It looks like its shaping up to be a pretty great war, so John and I are going. John and I first got together at Pennsic, so this is important to us for sentitmental reasons as well as SCA ones. However, we know we aren't rolling in money right now (better than last summer, though), so we're not going to over do it.

First, we are only going to Pennsylvannia for the second week of Pennsic, or War Week as it is called by us Scadians. This will cut our registration/site fee by a bit. Second, we are pre-registering to ensure we get the land we need to set up camp. We also get a discount for registering in advance. Third, I am renewing John's SCA membership (which will only cost us $10 if I work it right), which will save us even more.

If I have done my math right, site fee for the both of us will cost $190, not including what we will pay at the gate. Going to Pennsic for the full two weeks as a non-member who is NOT pre-registered costs $145 for ONE person. Non pre-regged members pay $120 per person. Pre-registered non-members pay $135 total for the two weeks, and pre-regged members pay only $110.

By going only staying for War Week, John and I only pay $90 each. Well, John will pay $100 if you include the membership renewal, but since we go to weekend events so frequently, it pays to get the membership since it saves us on average $3-$7 EACH a weekend for registration. If we were non-members, we'd be paying $115 for one week of camping. If we were going to pay that, we might as well pre-register for all of war and stay the two weeks! (This isn't feasible, of course, because John only has so much Paid Time Off, which is why we are going for only one week.)

I will write more on this subject later. Right now, I have a house to clean.

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