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Orders and Groceries

October 20th, 2005 at 11:05 pm

Last night was a bit trying. I was trying to make lotion to fill an order, and while I did finish one batch, the rest got left unfinished. Why? Because something made me ill.

I was making Sensuous Sandalwood Shea Butter Lotion last night for a client, and suddenly the scent was overwhelming my senses and I had I not acted quickly, the batch would have been lost to my throwing up in it. Luckily, I DID NOT throw up in the lotion. I put a cover on the container and ran for the bathroom. I made it, but just barely. I guess my mother's fragrance sensitivity is finally manifesting itself in my DNA. I hope this is just a fluke. I can't keep making soaps and cosmetics if the scents make me sick. *worries*

Anyway, I took a shower to make sure I got all the sandalwood scent off of me (not to mention icky germs from. . .well, you know) and put some fresh work clothes on. I checked on the lotion, which was fine, and added a little extra anti-microbial agent just to be safe. I bottled it and cleaned all the equipment. Then I went to bed.

I'm trying to stay on my toes here, because I have an order of 14 gift baskets to fill for my parents before Thanksgiving. Between that, the nanny job, and getting the website ready for launch, I'm a busy bee!

I've noticed, however, that after last night's little episode that my throat is sore. Its probably nothing, but I'm going to take some extra vitamins tonight and go to bed early. (Note that early by my definition is before 1 a.m.) No amount of working myself to death is going to help anything.

On another note, the local Food Lion was having a "Mix and Match 10 for $10" sale today. Here lately I've been a little burnt out on cooking, so I picked up some frozen goods to try and lighten my cooking load. No pizza this time (boy, was I getting sick of it!), but I did get some frozen dinners for Brian to take to work for lunch and for me to eat when I'm in the middle of soap making. Lots of frozen vegetables and meat, too. I know that Hamburger Helper isn't all that great for me, but it DOES help with making dinner at the last minute when I've got a million and one things to do. That, and they were a buck a box today, so that helps. Even bought some cake mix, since it was so cheap today. I've been craving cake a lot lately. Not cake with gobs of icing, or mounds of ice cream, mind you. Just cake.

I've declare tonight a "fend for yourself" night. Hopefully this won't bother anyone. But I still have to make John's lunch for work tonight. Speaking of which, I should do that before I forget and have to throw it together at the last minute. Most people don't understand why I make John's lunch for him. My feminist friends think I'm "setting the movement back a few years" by taking care of domestic things while John works. Other people think that I'm being forced to do it. I have news for all the nay-sayers: I do it because it is one of the ways I show John how much I care. Its the same principle as when Mama or Dad would make my favorite dish once in a while, no matter how much of a pain it was. They were showing me that they cared. Enough said.

2 Responses to “Orders and Groceries”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hate to say this, but perhaps you are pregnant? That nauseous/vomiting incident is par for the course when pregnant. I would get sick from the smell of meat cooking.

  2. Anonymous Says:


    Way ahead of you. Big Grin I checked, and I'm not. But a good suggestion, nonetheless. I'll keep that tidbit of knowledge in mind if when I do have a little one on the way, though. Thank you. Smile

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